Port of Long Beach Harbor Scenic Drive Improvements
CWE is preparing Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) compliance reports, conducting a “Greenroads Analysis,” and performing associated design for improvements along Harbor Scenic Drive, from I-710 to Harbor Plaza, at the Port of Long Beach. The estimated $19.5 million worth of improvements will reconfigure and reconstruct the roadway, improve drainage while enhancing water quality, replace the landscaping and irrigation with more “green” alternatives, and incorporate improved wayfinding signage. Although both a low-flow diversion system and a Vortex Separation System (VSS) were considered to enhance the stormwater runoff quality, it was determined that there were adequate parkway landscaping areas to allow infiltration and bio-swales. These bio-swales will serve as a passive (low-maintenance) means to treat the low-flow runoff from Harbor Scenic Drive and reduce the amount of dry-weather flow that discharges to the Queens Harbor Bay.
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This project received awards from:
- American Public Works Association (APWA)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Engineering News-Record (ENR)
- California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA
- Storm Water Solutions magazine
- Site Grading
- Roadway Paving
- Retaining Walls
- Recycled Water Line
- Piping Plans
- Stream Channel and Infiltration Basin Design
- Water-Tight System for Irrigation
- Electrical and Mechanical Plans
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Plans
Public Enhancements
- Park Lighting and Signage
- Trails
- Viewing Areas
- Landscaping Details
Structural Improvements
- Inlet and Outlet Structures
- Bridge Structures
- Culverts
- 20-cfs Flood Control Pump Station
- Several Irrigation Pump Stations
- Other Control Structures