Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program Implementation
Through the Gateway Water Management Authority (GWMA), CWE is providing the Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 Watershed Management Area (LAR UR2 WMA), with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP) implementation services. This group is comprised of the Cities of Bell, Bell Gardens, Commerce, Cudahy, Huntington Park, Maywood, and Vernon, and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD). Services provided have included project-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) preparation; Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) preparation; US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), LACFCD, and municipal Access and Encroachment Permit procurement; receiving and stormwater outfall water quality monitoring; Geographic Information System (GIS) based outfall inventory preparation; and Non-Stormwater Discharge (NSWD) outfall screening. Ongoing services include project management, meeting coordination, weather tracking, monitoring event coordination, water quality sample collection from two fixed and six rotating stormwater outfall sites for two dry and three storm events per year, preparing field logs and site assessment photos, laboratory coordination and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC), data management, semi-annual data reporting in California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) format, draft and final MS4 Permit consolidated annual report preparation.
Start Date:
End Date:
This project received awards from:
- American Public Works Association (APWA)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Engineering News-Record (ENR)
- California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA
- Storm Water Solutions magazine
- Site Grading
- Roadway Paving
- Retaining Walls
- Recycled Water Line
- Piping Plans
- Stream Channel and Infiltration Basin Design
- Water-Tight System for Irrigation
- Electrical and Mechanical Plans
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Plans
Public Enhancements
- Park Lighting and Signage
- Trails
- Viewing Areas
- Landscaping Details
Structural Improvements
- Inlet and Outlet Structures
- Bridge Structures
- Culverts
- 20-cfs Flood Control Pump Station
- Several Irrigation Pump Stations
- Other Control Structures