Council for Watershed Health Vermont Ave. Median Stormwater Park
CWE assisted the Council for Watershed Health by performing a feasibility study to integrate a stormwater park within the median of Vermont Avenue. Vermont Avenue is a major north/south arterial road that forms the eastern boundary between the Cities of Gardena and Los Angeles. The street has an average daily traffic count of approximately 45,000 vehicles. Historically, Vermont Avenue also served as a rail corridor. The rails were abandoned, and large medians were created. The 60-foot wide medians are landscaped but are inaccessible to the public in this highly urbanized community where green space is limited. The project evaluated multi-use benefits for the medians, incorporating stormwater treatment into a passive recreation park. The volumes and flow rates tributary to each segment of the median were determined and stormwater treatment and park concepts were developed. Cost estimates for engineering, construction, and operation and maintenance were prepared. Funding for design and construction of the Vermont Avenue Stormwater Park are being sought through grant funding.
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End Date:
This project received awards from:
- American Public Works Association (APWA)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Engineering News-Record (ENR)
- California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA
- Storm Water Solutions magazine
- Site Grading
- Roadway Paving
- Retaining Walls
- Recycled Water Line
- Piping Plans
- Stream Channel and Infiltration Basin Design
- Water-Tight System for Irrigation
- Electrical and Mechanical Plans
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Plans
Public Enhancements
- Park Lighting and Signage
- Trails
- Viewing Areas
- Landscaping Details
Structural Improvements
- Inlet and Outlet Structures
- Bridge Structures
- Culverts
- 20-cfs Flood Control Pump Station
- Several Irrigation Pump Stations
- Other Control Structures