City of Torrance Stormwater Basin and Treatment Wetlands Enhancement

“CWE did an exceptional job of explaining issues and providing engineering data to stakeholders to move the project along. CWE provided work that exceeded our expectations in terms of quality, accuracy, and innovation. The project reports and submittals were exemplary, submitted on-time, and when needed, comments were addressed in a timely manner.”
John Dettle, PE, Engineering Manager
City of Torrance

Project Scope

CWE designed two treatment wetlands, two infiltration basins, and 300 feet of pressured storm drain piping.  This was designed to retain, treat, and infiltrate stormwater runoff to help the City comply with the Santa Monica Bay Beaches Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).

CWE performed a topographic and boundary survey of each basin.  This included coordinating a geotechnical investigation for the design of earthwork, pipelines, structures, other site improvements, and infiltration capabilities of three basins.

A wetlands sustainability analysis was performed to evaluate dry-weather inflows, evaporation, evapotranspiration, and infiltration to ensure the long-term functionality of the wetlands system.  CWE conducted a hydrologic analysis using the Modified Rational Method (MODRAT) in Watershed Modeling System (WMS).  This evaluated the reservoir routing and pumping from the interconnected wetlands/detention basin system under Capital Flood and Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP) conditions.

Water quality modeling determined the reduction in pollutant loads.  The estimated annual pollutant load reduction for this project is 91%.  Using the stormwater for irrigation reduces the potable water demand by approximately 2,800,000 gallons annually.

The project included designing and preparing construction documents for the proposed improvements.

Wildlife Habitats

The project also included placement of new trash sweeping signage and catch basin screens throughout the basin subwatersheds.  The project included coordination with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD).  Special consideration was given to protect the burrowing owl and legless lizard habitat.  CWE performed legless lizard surveys prior to and during construction.  Specifications per Greenbook and special provisions and estimates were prepared.  CWE also provided construction management and support services.



City of Torrance

Start Date:

May 2011

End Date:

May 2015


This project received awards from:

  • American Public Works Association (APWA)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Engineering News-Record (ENR)
  • California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA
  • Storm Water Solutions magazine


  • Site Grading
  • Roadway Paving
  • Retaining Walls
  • Recycled Water Line
  • Piping Plans
  • Stream Channel and Infiltration Basin Design
  • Water-Tight System for Irrigation
  • Electrical and Mechanical Plans
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Plans

Public Enhancements

  • Park Lighting and Signage
  • Trails
  • Viewing Areas
  • Landscaping Details

Structural Improvements

  • Inlet and Outlet Structures
  • Bridge Structures
  • Culverts
  • 20-cfs Flood Control Pump Station
  • Several Irrigation Pump Stations
  • Other Control Structures