City of Santa Monica Pier Watershed Feasibility Alternatives
CWE assisted the City of Santa Monica with an alternatives feasibility evaluation for the Pier Watershed. The 106-acre Pier Watershed drains to the Pier Drain. Low flows from the Pier Drain are pumped to the Santa Monica Urban Runoff Recycling Facility (SMURRF). SMURRF has the capacity to process approximately 500,000 gallons of runoff, however it does not receive enough runoff during dry-weather, and is supplemented with potable water. CWE evaluated the use of a treatment train and verified the feasibility of alternatives so future designs can be developed for the preferred alternative. Tasks included: developing background elements to analyze each alternative; performing a hydrologic analysis of the Pier Watershed to ensure wet-weather events do not discharge runoff to the Santa Monica Bay; evaluating alternatives such as water diversions to SMURRF and the sanitary sewer, infiltration system sizing, and sizing detention facilities and pump systems; conducting a feasibility study to recommend an alternative to the proposed design; and attending meetings with City staff to discuss various opportunities and alternatives.
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End Date:
This project received awards from:
- American Public Works Association (APWA)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Engineering News-Record (ENR)
- California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA
- Storm Water Solutions magazine
- Site Grading
- Roadway Paving
- Retaining Walls
- Recycled Water Line
- Piping Plans
- Stream Channel and Infiltration Basin Design
- Water-Tight System for Irrigation
- Electrical and Mechanical Plans
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Plans
Public Enhancements
- Park Lighting and Signage
- Trails
- Viewing Areas
- Landscaping Details
Structural Improvements
- Inlet and Outlet Structures
- Bridge Structures
- Culverts
- 20-cfs Flood Control Pump Station
- Several Irrigation Pump Stations
- Other Control Structures