“I knew you would come through to creatively figure out a way to address our needs.
My hat is off to you. This is the definition of client service!”
City of Los Angeles Proposition O BMP Optimization Water Quality Monitoring
Wing Tam, PE, Assistant Division Manager
LA Sanitation – City of Los Angeles
Project Scope
CWE managed and coordinated eight wet-weather and seven dry-weather monitoring events over three years. These were conducted at up to 35 sites spread among 11 Proposition O BMP project locations. Various sites provided additional safety challenges. Assorted lakes, median strips, underground vaults, and vehicle traffic required special consideration and planning. A coordinated safety/hazards approach was generated for each sampling location.
A Monitoring Plan and Quality Assurance Project Plan was generated to best optimize sample gathering and analysis. Coordinating with the City of Los Angeles’ Environmental Monitoring Division (EMD), a standards process was established for sample collection, logging, delivery, processing, and analysis.
Monitoring includes analysis of constituents such as nutrients, metals, algae, bacteria, and pesticides. Timing is very important when gathering samples. Storm events move large amounts of runoff into public waterways. Gathering samples during these events is critical. Using strategic weather tracking, aided by regional forecasting, CWE planned and conducted multiple storm sampling events across many key locations. Samples are drawn at specific time intervals during a storm event to best establish a bell curve of the concentration of the specific constituents.
Results were analyzed in comparison with applicable limitations due to Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), California Toxics Rule (CTR), the basin plan, and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements. Results were utilized to assess Best Management Practice (BMP) functionality and effectiveness. These are used to identify program challenges and accomplishments. Coordinating with the City and other consultants, this analysis was used to create CWE’s final recommendations for future enhancements.
Start Date:
End Date:
Sites Included
- Echo Park Lake
- Grand Boulevard Tree Wells
- Hansen Dam Wetlands Restoration
- Imperial Highway Sunken Median
- Mar Vista Recreation Center
- Oros Green Street
- Peck Park Canyon Enhancement
- Penmar Water Quality Improvement
- South LA Wetlands
- Westminster Dog Park
- Westside Park Irrigation
Project Tasks
- Development of a Monitoring Plan
- Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
- Weather Forecasting and Tracking
- Coordination of Sampling Events With The City Of Los Angeles’ Environmental Monitoring Division (EMD)
- Sample Bottle Preparation
- Field Analytical Analysis
- Field Observation Logging
- Collection and Delivery of Samples
- Data Processing and Analysis
- Event Summary Technical Memorandums